Saturday, December 17, 2011

The End of The Not Dating Until 2012 Rule

This little blog was born after back-to-back down right stupid break ups. Both of which are so embarrassing and ridiculous that I was smacked in the face with reality- I have TERRIBLE, terrible (so bad I needed to say it twice) taste in Men. 

My Solution: I Am NOT Dating Until 2012 

Sounds all empowering and independent right? Right! But if you've read my blog you must be thinking "for not dating you sure do talk about a lot of boys." Yes, this is true. Although I have not been in a relationship of any substance I have still seen a lot of boys. Pretty sure I have had 2 Future Next Boyfriends and a Future Husband. I've met "The Man of My Dreams" on three separate occasions but mostly my focus has been just me. 

The pattern I was hell bent on breaking was my tendency to date Old Guys. I am 28. I know that is "so young" and I seem so "mature and wise" (HA!) with such great "life-experience." I can seriously attract Old Guys. Mr MexicanFood and Mr Baseball were both in their 40s with a couple kids and ex-wives who hated them (rightfully so). Mr. Toilet, who I almost married is 13ish years older than me. Even my ex husband is 36... I date Old Guys. This had to stop!

So in No Date 2011, I kinda just swore off old guys. I don't really want an Old Guy anyway. Sure, the stability is pretty nice and they are already house trained since they have at least one 10+ year failed marriage under their belt. But generally speaking, they are done having kids, look ridiculous dancing at a bar, and have some pretty odd ego issues since they are dating some one who was in kindergarten during their college years. 

Also, I am not mature, at all! I interview well... I can talk about any subject and I am fun, like really fun. Not to toot my own horn-but I'm going to anyway. I am kinda funny with very little "give a shit" left in me; I like beer and can talk about anything on ESPN, this makes me Real Fun! 

Mostly, it's that I can get these idiots to open up some old wounds. Usually in regards to their 'bitch of an ex wife' but sometimes their childhood and I make them feel better about themselves. I can literally be The Most Affirming Person in The World. Just ask my Champagne Drinking Best Friend. I am this mirage of put together that sucks them in and then my adorable charm takes hold but eventually... It just falls apart and we can all thank god for that! 

I finally said to myself, "I gotta quit playing house with these old guys and find myself a nice 30-something at the start of his career with similar interests that would make the mean girls blind with jealousy over our engagement photos."

Now, to snag one of these elusive majestic creatures, you have to throw out the right bait. A well dressed fit bod with a good job, decent car and cute little girlie pad should do the trick. I do not have all of these things and therefore I am not really ready to date My Future Husband- neither the one I've already picked out or some one I have yet to meet. I am not the person I want to be, to get the kind of guy I want to get, but I am a hell of a lot closer today than I was when I started this Blog. 

Old Guys have a tendency to cut me a little slack in the "put-together" section of life because I have potential. They sort of over look some pretty major flaws like unemployed or living with my parents because they don't need me to contribute financially per say and since I interview so well, those are just temporary set backs. Old Guys are a band aid that allow me to continue living a life without taking much responsibility for myself or my horrible decisions. Just like I make them feel better, they let me stay the same. 

ENOUGH... Let's get a job! Check. Got that back on track at the end of Mr. Baseball. Upgrade the ride, check. New responsible car since I have a good job! I am well dressed but now that I work, I am in a suit more often which is Hot! Fit Bod, is sort of a hang up but a work in progress. Operation Smokin' Hot is in effect and I expect to see results by Valentine's Day. A Cute New Little Girlie Pad is my goal within the next 6 months. By summer I will be READY! 

I still meet and flirt with boys. I go on the occasional date but lately it is with boys closer to my age that I keep at enough of a distance they don't interfere with the progress I have made. I like to maintain contact with one or two potentials just for motivation. A prime example would be the 26 year old insurance agent I met at the symphony. He is 6'8'' and beautiful but happens to work for my ex-brother-in-law so other than casually hanging out that isn't going to be anything. He sure is a nice piece of arm candy and I really like telling people we met at The Symphony. C'mon, how posh is that?

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