Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Boy I Met at The Symphony Makes a Memorable Exit

ll is quiet on the boy front this week. The only thing occupying the part of my brain that desires to date is a slightly unhealthy obsession with My Future Husband. My mother likes to think of him as good motivation for reaching life goals. I like to day dream about weddings. Yep, I am that crazy but I cannot be alone in this insanity; why do you think Pinterest is such a huge success. Girls planning imaginary weddings to boys they have not actually gone on first dates with... Yet.

I have been catching up on my writing and thinking about past loves/mistakes. Referring back to A Short Update about My Need to Write   to remind me of what I have intended to tell you about but I'm pretty board with the Ghosts of Boys Past. I miss Milk a bit but our last encounter was a bad decision wrapped in OU/Texas weekend laced with Red Bull and Vodkas. 

I've been spending a lot of time with a childhood friend, Marcus. We have been close since I was in 6th grade. We met when I was 11, he was 12 and his brother was 14. The history there is sort of hilarious. His brother was My First Kiss when I was fifteen. Our parents are friends and Marcus and I have remained close off and on for the past 18 years. 

I have come to appreciate his friendship more than ever. There is a lot to be said for someone who you have known for this long. It's comfortable realizing you are sort of stuck with each other. I mean if I haven't done something to piss him off irreparably by now, chances are it's not gonna happen. 

This past weekend we ended up at the same Christmas Party. A group of Young Professionals in our city all getting together for a Christmas Eve, Eve Soiree. The Boy I Met at The Symphony has been texting me beforehand and ends up meeting me there.

Marcus is there with his date and she turns out to be a total doll, which I hardly ever expect because I am beyond critical of the girls he chooses to bring around. I like her though and he meets The Boy I Met at The Symphony. Night goes on, BIMATS is all over me which is nice because he is a good little piece of arm candy but when I turn out not to be just a piece of ass for him to take home later, he sort of loses interest.

Let's talk about this for a second... Come the effe on! I am a 28 year old single mom and I get that I date a lot but this guy and I have been talking for months and although, it isn't serious. We have gone out for drinks and meals and out of town to football games together, so dating, although not exclusive would apply here. I say this because the reason I have never dated a boy younger than me and went through such a substantial Old Guy phase is because of shit like this. 

I shoot down the automatic sleepover mostly because a good girl friend of mine is in town and staying with me. He seems fine at first but once he gets a few more Whiskeys in him his judgment fades and the slutty little girl we shall call Jessica steps into his view. I am allowed to call her slutty because the majority of the evening he was obviously with me. 

Marcus and I are having a chat and I look up to where people are dancing in the living room and see this kid straight making out with Jessislut. My reaction is a calm, "Well that's not very cool." Marcus's reaction is more of the 'O No He Diiiidn't' variety. Before, he can be stopped, he marches over there separates them, she walks away and he says something, who knows what but assume threatening and I decide to approach. 

The conversation went something like this, "Seriously, WTF? are you thinking?"
"Why would you be mad, all I am is a boy toy to you."
"You have got to be kidding me..." insert rant of meaningful things we have spent time doing together... "which is completely besides the point, because I don't care if you kiss half the freaking city, don't do it at a party, with my friends, where you have been kissing me all night. Don't make me look bad because you are an immature ass hole."
Interruption from Marcus, who has stormed out to find us... "I swear to god, if you ever disrespect her like this again, you will be unrecognizable. Do you hear me, I will destroy you."
I thank Marcus tell him I love him, he walks off and Immature Dumb Ass that I Met at The Symphony proceeds to apologize with all sorts of excuses about never having a real girl friend, not thinking I actually liked him, being drunk,  he can't imagine how he would react if someone did something like this to his sister... la di da di da... 
Re-enter Marcus: Ready to beat the ever living crap out of this Douche. "See this brick wall, I will paint this wall with your face. I will..." You get the picture. The dumb kid definitely gets it because he is apologizing to him as well. Marcus walks off, Jessislut walks out and I say to the dumbass... "I imagine she's a sure thing, go get her" and I walk back inside.

In the end I wasn't hurt he was kissing another girl, hell I have totally gone out with several guys since he and I first met. I was just mad he did it in front of people I knew. I don't want to look like an idiot in front of a bunch of acquaintances. The girl with the date who left with another girl... Awkward. But I do have the best guy friend who is willing to disfigure any man who disrespects me and walking away with that blatant understanding is worth a little embarrassment from a douche bag that wont find himself for another 10 years... Best of Luck Kid. 

New Rule: 30+ from now on for me... Or just waiting on My Future Husband! :)

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