Monday, November 7, 2011

North Carolina Must Be A Magical Place

I should start by apologizing to my childhood best friend Liv. She is going to hate this little story, it kind of involves that one time... with her brother. Woops! So Liv, I am sorry that I had a crush on your hot older not actual step brother, brother for the better part of 20 years and I am sorry that I am going to use this blast from the past to segway into a newer boy story. 

I would call Thanksgiving 2006 the best holiday I have ever experienced. I was freshly divorced so my self esteem had taken quite the beating. Liv was living the college life at film school in NYC. I was single and spending my first Thanksgiving without my daughter, since it was her dad's holiday this year. I was so happy to have her in town, I rushed straight over to her mom's house to hang out with her and catch up on the year. 

We were laying on the bed gossiping about life when the cocky yet gorgeous JD strolled in spitting lines and making plans to go to the club with one of his old friends. He and I start the flirtatious banter and just like that Liv and I are heading out with them. 

I am not sure you can fully grasp the magnitude of the torch I have been carrying for this man. He's 6' in great shape with dark hair and piercing eyes. His smile and confidence made him quite literally the man of my dreams. He has a story for everything, always the center of attention. He can dance, is educated, and has the style of a well dressed gay man. He might actually be god's gift to women... and he has done his best to bless the masses. 

We head out and the night is incredible. We are dancing, drinking and laughing until 2 am. The 4 of us, JD and me, Liv and JD's bud head back to their mom's to cap off the night. JD woke me early in the morning before the parents got up so I would switch places with his bud. Here we are in our 20s (their 30s) and we are bed swapping to keep our co-ed slumber party as PG as possible. 

Shortly after the parents arise, Liv and I head into the boys room and the four of us lay their telling stories, laughing and making fun of each other for hours. Four fully grown adults in an antique full size bed. It was hilarious. 

JD and I flirted a bit more, kept in touch some when he went back to Sweet Carolina but he is married with children now and I have successfully remained just the friend of his kid sister without any real awkwardness at family functions.

This weekend I met a new boy from North Carolina. Basically a beach bum with a software company. He is adorable and funny and only in town for a few days. He smiled at me from across the crowded  bar on Saturday night. My Champagne Drinking Best Friend was deep in her third or forth conversation of the evening with random strangers. I guess we are all friends after 10pm. 

When I made my way over to this unfamiliar face a blond in her mid thirties was chatting him up while getting a drink. She walked away to rejoin her friends for what I can only assume was intended to be a quick update but in those few seconds I snagged the bar stool next to him and ordered another drink. He introduced himself, we began to talk, he wanted to go some where a little more casual. The mid-thirties blond came back and loitered a bit but it was obvious we were leaving together... I drag my CDBF out of the bar and to a whole in the wall down the street. 

We talked until early the next morning and then more the next day. Sweet getting to know you conversations. I always say I interview well because guys are most into me the first few weeks of dating. With his impending departure he wont have time to find any of the bad stuff! 

He and I have spent every possible moment together the past few days and when he leaves I will be a little sad. He makes comments about when he'll be back and inviting me to come to the beach for a visit. I am pretty sure we will keep in touch very little if at all once he is on his way back to The Land Where Hot Guys Live but it has felt pretty great to get to know someone who thinks I'm gorgeous and will drop just about everything to spend time with me.