Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Man of My Dreams at QT

I saw The Man of My Dreams at QT the other morning getting gas. I know, right! I just happen to glance in the general direction of a total stranger and decide he was the newest object of my affection. It isn't normal but it's me. Apparently it really is a good idea to never leave the house without being prepared to meet a dashing stranger... or an old enemy. 

I am not at my usual QT since I am house sitting for my best couple friends. I am rocking this dress I found in Tia's closet that is a LOUD floral print of hot pink, pink and brown. It hugs in all the right places and shows off my best feature, my legs! Thank you mom! It's almost 8am and I am running late, as usual. But I look good... almost as good as this...

Thirties, no ring, 6foot 3ish, dark hair, athletic build, strong jaw line- I love a nicely defined jaw line- wearing HOSPITAL SCRUBS! Ever since Grey's Anatomy, I don't even care if you are being a fake doctor on Halloween I love a man in scrubs. 90's pop group, TLC you were wrong, I actually do want scrubs!

Eye contact made several times in the store. He walks out first but I see him watch me walk to my car, we are parked next to each other at the pumps. I shoot him a flirty smile as I am getting gas. We both leave heading the same direction. He's in a new Avalanche with paper tags, I am crazy enough to notice this detail because had it been a real plate the only other girl at my office is married to a cop and you know what that means... Tax dollars at work stalking Hot Guys! Perks. 

By the time I get to work I am down right giddy and the first thing I do is tell Mrs. Cop my story. Before I can say "he had a paper tag," she says, "did you get his plate?" To which you have to laugh, because she knows me so well! 

The next week at our regularly scheduled dinner Wednesday Night. Tia and I are drinking Vodkas and I squeal, "I almost forgot! I saw the man of my dreams at QT last week when I was house sitting, pretty sure he was a doctor and gorgeous, maybe a surgeon! O and PS I stole your dress and I'm keeping it." 
She laughs, "He probably wasn't a doctor, you know my best friend from college? She is married to a surgical equipment sales rep and he wears scrubs every day."
"No, this is my dream guy, he was a doctor."
"How funny, you would think her husband was really hot. He is tall and very good looking but he's getting soft you know, beer gut, ha!"
"This guy was gorgeous, no gut he drove an Avalanche, too bad it had paper tags."
At this moment, the mischievous all-knowing grin on Tia's face is priceless, "Uh, was it silver?..."
"Oh My GAWD!"
Hysterical laughter ensues as she barely gets the words out!... "That is him! That is her husband, sorry sister 3 kids and very married."
"NO WAY!... Dammit! But he doesn't wear a ring." I hate when married men don't wear rings, it's false advertising. I guess it's the male pay back for the Miracle Bra.
"He is in surgeries all day. I cannot wait to tell her! Makes since though, they live down the street."
With a tinge of disappointment we get a good laugh.

The sad part is, I wasn't even surprised that the McDreamy look-a-like was married to her long time close friend. Nope, that is actually how my life goes. 
C'est la vie!

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